Rhode Island Wing
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Dates: 16 - 22 July, 2023

Location: Camp Varnum, RI.

Encampment challenges you. It pushes you so you’ll grow. Are you self-disciplined? Can you lead? Can you truly work as a team? These are some of the questions the cadre will help you  answer for yourself as you participate in awesome, hands-on activities and tours. Specifically, our goal is to inspire you to

  • develop leadership skills,

  • learn about aviation, space, and technology,

  • commit to a habit of regular exercise, and

  • live the Core Values.

As cadets of the U.S. Air Force Auxiliary, your training will emphasize not only leadership and character, but fitness and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) as you explore career opportunities in those areas and so much more.

RI Wing Cadet Encampment Home Page

Arrival Times 

Senior Staff, 15 Jul 2023 1400hrs.

Cadet Cadre, 15 Jul 2023 1400hrs.

Basic Cadets, 16 Jul 2023 0900hrs.

Graduation Ceremony 

22 July 2023 1030-1130hrs.


22 July 2023 1200hrs. 


Camp Varnum

100 Cormorant Road

Narragansett, RI 02882


Cadets: $288

Payment can be made one of two ways:

 - Eventbright for credit card use:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cadet-encampment-2023-tickets-634273126997

 - Check made out to RI Wing CAP and mailed to:

         RI Wing Civil Air Patrol
         19 Lakeside Dr
         Smithfield RI 02917


Financial Assistance

Help with tuition and uniform expenses is available. Please see the Cadet Encampment Assistance Program page.  CEAP opens on 1 March for Summer Encampments and 1 November for Winter Encampments. CEAP closes about 30 days prior to the start of the encampment. 

Letters of Intent

Seniors interested in a staff position must email a letter of intent ASAP to the Encampment Commander, Lt Johnfroe, at mjohnfroe@riwg.cap.gov.

Cadets interested in a staff position must email a letter of intent NLT 16MAR2023 to the Encampment Commander, Lt Johnfroe, at mjohnfroe@rigw.cap.gov.

The letters of intent should include the position desired, the individual's qualifications, and a statement indicating why that individual should be selected for the desired position.  Please also include an accurate email address for the individual.

Application Forms

Please download and complete the following forms prior to registering for the encampment. Once all forms are completed and signed, you will be able to submit the forms upon registration. 

* Prior to registering, ensure all required forms are completely filled out and signed as directed before registering. All required documentation can be downloaded and printed from the Encampment Webpage. Incomplete/Incorrect registrations will be denied and the member will be informed that their application remains incomplete. To ensure there’s no delays in processing your registration, ensure all forms are completed correctly and all signatures are acquired prior to registering.

* Due to the requirements of the CAPF 162, if a cadet requires the form to be updated, a simple statement stating that the cadet is scheduled for an appointment with their Primary Care Physician, with date, time, Dr's name, and contact information will be sufficient for initial registration. Just submit the statement in place of the CAPF 162. The cadet's registration will be processed and their place will be reserved; however, if we don't receive the completed CAPF 162 prior to closing out registrations, the cadet's slot will be forfeited and we will start processing the cadet's on the waiting list. REMEMBER, the CAPF 162, is required to be updated yearly and should be on file with the cadet's squadron.

Cadet Application

CAPF 60-81 Application for Encampment

CAPF 160(i) CAP Member Medical History

CAPF 161 Emergency Information

CAPF 162 CAP Member Physical Examination

CAPF 163 Over-the-Counter Medication

Release and Indemnification Agreements

Air Transportation Agreements

Senior Staff Application

CAPF 60-81 Application for Encampment

CAPF 160(i) CAP Member Medical History

CAPF 161 Emergency Information

General Release and Indemnification Agreement

Air Transportation Agreements

Packing List




Click Here to Register.

Questions? Email us

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